Posted on 15th July 2018 by in Search Engine Optimization

The truth is that just like every other aspect of life there isn’t much available  free on the internet, including rankings on Google.  Somewhere there will be a cost, either in hours of your own labor, dollars paid to a third party to perform labor on your behalf, or labor and fees associated with Google Pay Per Click marketing advertisements.  But what many fail to realize is that Google is a business.  Today the owners  are held  accountable to their stockholders to make a profit. Take a look at all the changes made to Google in the last few years, including the major algorithm changes Penguin and Panda.  Google says that all of these changes have been made in an effort to fight spam and bring better results to those who use their search engine. Close followers of Google, although understanding Google’s  need to make a profit, were often left wondering how much of these efforts are really to fight spam, and how much are intended to prolong your visit on Google property websites.  The fact of the matter is the longer you search, use Gmail, Google maps, You Tube, or any of the other Google web properties, the higher the probability that you will click one paid advertisement that rings the cash register at Google.

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