Email marketing predates the internet by years and modern social media by decades. Email marketing is the best method to communicate with your followers, clients and prospective clients alike. A 2013 study by Edge Research of Small and Medium Sized businesses ($1 million to $50 million with less than 1,000 employees) revealed that email marketing was the largest marketing spend by this group, at 15% of their annual marketing budgets. Second and third on the spend list were trade shows and person to person contact. Social media was 6th on the list with 8%. Where are you applying your marketing dollars?
Email is a Commitment! When someone gives you their email address they are committing to receiving your message. If your messages speak to them, presents value to their personal situation and entertains them, they will likely maintain the subscription to your email marketing newsletter.
Emails reach is well beyond the membership of all social media websites combined! Social media channels boast as they reach each new high mark of membership count just remember one simple fact, everyone has email.
Email has the attention of those working in offices all day long. Think about it you’re in and out of your email Inbox on and off, throughout the day. How often do you visit your Facebook account? Twitter?
Email is a permanent message that requires some action. Open and read it or at minimum recognize the sender or read the subject line and delete. Your message is in your prospects Inbox and they must eventually do something with it. If your prospect isn’t tuned in to social media at the time you post your messages they may never even see it!
Email marketing is comfortable. Prospects have been solicited by email for a long time. Email has been around for more than 40 years and most have been using it for 20 or more years. Age breeds trust and today most email users are not uncomfortable clicking though a trusted email senders links and making a purchase.
Take advantage of our 11 years of internet marketing experience. We can setup your email marketing campaign for you. Create an email template that matches your website and other marketing collateral for transparency amongst your marketing efforts. Brainstorm and write email copy that will compel your visitors into action. Call us today 717-569-2484 to discuss your email marketing needs or fill out our contact form and we’ll call you!