Restaurant Website Design
2003, Ruth’s Chris Steak House restaurant located in King of Prussia, PA, was in need of a web designer. They wanted something similar to their corporate parents site, yet specific to their own restaurant. We were awarded the contract. Developed the restaurant specific site and performed search engine optimization on all its pages. We even provided hosting and email accounts for their employees.
While the designs style has stood the test of time, in 2008 modern browser support made it practical to revamp the site using XHTML and CSS table less design techniques. This “code only update” made the site more accessible to visitors using non PC-based-browsers. The new code improved the sites search engine friendliness by eliminating irrelevant table coding and improved the visitors overall experience by reducing the web page load speed.
Today, we provide periodic updates to the site including menu updates and any maintenance needed.
Restaurant & Sports Bar Website Design
2005, The Brickyard Restaurant and Sports Bar opens its doors for business in a restored and remodeled factory building located on North Prince Street in historic downtown Lancaster, PA. The Brickyard is the largest restaurant/nightlife establishment of its kind in the county. By October 2007, their website, remains uncompleted by their website designer. Having a website that does not add value to their business, the owners are frustrated and decide to start over. The project requirements included an all new design intended to improve the visitors experience and provide incentive for returning patrons to visit the site for event, food and drink special information each month. Featured monthly activities are to be front and center on every page. One Sky Media was selected for the job.
We created a new design featuring the colors, textures and patterns used in the interior design of the restaurant. Once the design was completed our in house search engine optimization service was applied to every web page. The original website did not show up on Google, not even ranking highly for their own name. Today, the website is top ranked for all variations of their name. It also ranks highly for phrases like sports bar, bar specials, food specials and many more.
Today , we provide hosting, email accounts and annual domain registration. Monthly we make updates the home page, drink specials page, upcoming events page and create new graphics for the animated featured events image changer.
Why Do You Need a Professional Website Design for Your Restaurant?
Consider a visit to your website similar to the dining experience a patron makes at your restaurant. Dinners take in the whole experience, the ambience, decor and cleanliness. The food, drink and service. They assess and judge the entire experience. First time website visitors evaluate restaurant websites in the same manner. They take in the color scheme, the layout and style, view the images, read the information and experience the navigation. Subconsciously they evaluate the restaurant behind the website based on their overall surfing experience.
A professionally designed site will bring new business through your restaurant doors. It can be used to promote repeat visits by announcing your specials, promotions and keeping you in touch. It can be used to grow your business by facilitating sign ups to your email mailing list. Your weekly/monthly emails allow you to unobtrusively remind potential diners of the great experience awaiting them upon their next visit to your establishment.
Below are just a few examples of the restaurant websites we’ve designed and built. These sites feature full menus, catering menus, party and event planning details, feature menu item photography, even online maps with directions to convenient parking for those located in downtown locales.
If your restaurant needs a website designed with features not shown in these examples, just let us know what you need. Contact us using our online questionnaire or call us today at 1-717-569-2484 to discuss your hosting, website design and search engine optimization needs.
By John Oppenheimer