Project Description
In 2008, Agri Analysis, Inc., a division of Pioneer Water Testing Laboratory, Inc., an agricultural and environmental laboratory searched for a supplier capable of modernizing their web presence. Included on the project was a desire to be found for relevant searches on Google. And, online functionality to upload, organize, search and store historical testing results for each of there clients.
Project Details
- DateAugust 2008
- ClientAgri Analysis Inc.
- TechnologyHTML
- Live Websitewww.AgriAnalysis.com
Continued from above:
They knew that having each clients reports and documents directly accessible online, they could save man-hours in the future that they previously had to spend researching and resending misplaced documents.
One Sky Media is awarded the contract. We worked closely with the staff of this agriculture supplier to completely redesign and rework their old Microsoft, FrontPage built the website into a state of the art CSS design. Our in house, on-page search engine optimization service was utilized to focus the site on their target market so Google would index and rank the new website for relevant searches.
We built the custom login feature that facilitated dedicated logins for each client. A search function was integrated that displays all the documents related to words input into a search box by the website visitor. No more need to fax or email repeat documents for those lost misplaced or filed incorrectly.
Why a Website For an Agriculture Business?
Why would anyone need a website for anything related to agriculture? Farming? Anything agrarian? There's no internet in the barns, silos or fields. Farmers don't use computers, do they? Well think again, this is the twenty-first century and the science of farming and farmers have not stood still. If your business involves farm supplies or services, tractors or combines, fertilizer, feed, seed or livestock... yes, the agriculture set is online. Consider that today many large farming operations are corporate. Even small family farms, use the internet for access to information and to find suppliers beyond the local farmers' supply store.
If your agriculture centric business needs a website designed with features not shown in the example, just let us know what you need. Contact us using our online questionnaire or call us today at 1-717-569-2484 to discuss your hosting, website design and search engine optimization needs.
If your agriculture centric firm needs a website designed with features not shown in the example above, just let us know what you need. Contact us using our online questionnaire or call us today at 1-717-569-2484 to discuss your hosting, website design and search engine optimization needs.