Project Description
Mid Atlantic.90 Drag Racing Association runs races through the racing season specifically for Super Comp, Super Gas and Super Street resulting in a season-long Championship awarded at their end of season banquet – the .90 classes. Rob Keister, association president approached us at the beginning of summer 2019 saying he was in need of a new webmaster. We developed a mock-up for Rob that closely matches the final result that you can see here.
Project Details
- DateJuly 2018
- ClientMid Atlantic .90 Association
- TechnologyWordPress
- Live Websitewww.midatlantic90.orgVisit Website
Partner Review

Rob Keister
Continued from above:
The final website has been set up so that race results and sponsors listings can be simply added without any knowledge of website design or HTML. The site also uses the JetPack publicize feature to auto-post results and news to Facebook.
The website facilitates featuring association sponsors both primary and secondary where the primary sponsors are always shown first. The website incorporates a calendar for displaying the upcoming events on the home page and custom forms to allow new members to signup online.
If your business is in search of a new webmaster why not fill out our short contact form and let’s see how we can work together.